Brian Tripp- Director at Large

Brian Tripp

Brian Tripp

Vice President of U.S. Wholesale

5.11 Tactical


In 2003, Brian Tripp joined 5.11 as a plank holder in the sales org, where among his initial responsibilities he was tasked to service check-in’s for the FBI NA and FBI Academy classes. Since then Brian has held a number of roles within 5.11 where he was recently promoted to Vice President of U.S. Wholesale working with the U.S. Professional and U.S. Consumer Wholesale teams. Previously, Brian also held the titles of Vice President of U.S. Professional and Managing Director of Asia Pacific where you may have met Brian at some FBI NAA re-trainers or Chapter Officer Events.

Brian earned a BA from Colgate University (magna cum laude, with Honors), and holds a MA from Columbia University. He lives in Bernardsville, NJ.