FBINAA Charitable Foundation

Message from the Chair:

Welcome to the FBINAA Foundation web page, your portal to who and what we are, as well as how you too can become an important contributor to the Foundation effort. Established in 2010, the Foundation is a not-for-profit organization designed with three core activities or programs:

  1. Charitable
  2. Educational
  3. Scientific

Please take time to browse the website so you can learn more about the programs we currently offer and those we want to add in the future. The Angel Campaign annually has our members supporting the Foundation by making a $250 donation and receiving a commemorative Challenge Coin in return. The private label wine initiative was started to provide another way to put our name out in front of members and supporters while they enjoy fine wine. Ongoing support from the Chapters has also been extremely helpful.

I think you will find all these efforts to be worthwhile endeavors. We have several donor programs established to make donating easy and to fit into any fiscal window, from individual to corporate levels. I encourage you to "click" on the tabs to see where you fit into the Foundation family. Donations will positively impact the NAA membership through scholarships, research, and disaster relief efforts.

To date, we have assisted 383 active members with $651,500 in emergency relief and funded 182 college scholarships totaling $184,000, for a total of $835,500!!!

I want to say Thank You to the Charitable Foundation Board of Directors, Associate Members, Ambassadors, and the FBINAA board and office staff for all their support in assisting YOU, our members.

To learn more, contact the Foundation or any of the Directors via the e-mail addresses on the About Us page.

Thank you for your interest and support! We are grateful for all of your support in helping others!
~Doug Muldoon, 2025 Chair


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